The Tesoro at Grayhawk Condominium Association Board of Directors has established several committees to facilitate the work of the Association and the engagement of interested owners. The current list of committees and the chair of each is below. Each committee has a web page that describes its charge, a description of its work, and its membership. Please use the drop-down menu above, under “COMMITTEES”, to access individual committee pages.
If you have questions about the work of a committee, or wish to volunteer for service on a committee, you may contact any of the following:
- A committee chair listed below.
- A board member (see the Contact page).
- The community manager at (480) 941-1077
Architectural Review Committee and board liaison, Sandra Krause
Communication Committee, Connie Norve,
Finance Committee, David Wick
Landscape Committee, Mary Wick,
Maintenance & Safety Committee, Wayne Lubner,
Social Committee, Terese Lubner,